Weight Loss Clinic

Our Services
Weight Loss Clinic

Weight Loss Clinic

Weight loss can be overwhelming and challenging, especially when doing it without professional support.

The Woolcock is here to help with a Weight Loss Program that is realistic, sustainable and strongly grounded in current evidence-based medicine.

Our qualified exercise physiologist and nutritionist are committed to helping you make the changes necessary to improve your lifestyle for the long term. They can support you through each step of your weight loss journey, from the initial diagnosis, through weight loss, during health maintenance and along the road to a better lifestyle.

Our ultimate goal is to help you to lose the weight you need to improve health and reduce your risk of developing weight-related diseases.


  • Studies show losing 5–10 per cent of your weight can improve your obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) by up to 26%
  • Weight loss improves diabetes management, elevated cholesterol, high blood pressure and insulin resistance which are often linked to obstructive sleep apnea
  • Weight loss will help to reduce daytime sleepiness, making it easier to keep active


Your clinician will book follow-up appointments every 4-8 weeks pending the level of support you prefer. Telehealth booster sessions can also be organised upon request. All consultations will incorporate health coaching designed to target multiple health facets influencing weight to specifically manage your health problems. This may include discussion around sleep hygiene, eating behaviour, stress management, mood disorders and health prioritisation.


Every patient gets:

  • Tailored lifestyle advice
  • Specific long-term goal setting
  • Dietary prescription and support, and option for Optifast when more rapid weight loss is indicated
  • Help in tracking and monitoring food intake
  • Individualised exercise prescription
  • Progressive assistance throughout weight loss
  • Regular progress assessments
  • Access to specialist staff including sleep physicians, endocrinologists and psychologists


  • Initial Consultation

Detailed weight history and ideally a prior blood test to assess cardio-metabolic health. Blood tests are conveniently available at our onsite Medlab collection centre (specialist or GP referral is required). A sleep study may also be available.

  • Intensive weight loss phase (optional)

For those patients identified with morbid obesity, a two-month very low energy diet may be supervised to aid 10-20 kg weight loss for better health outcomes. Lifestyle modifications will also be provided along the way with a focus on emotional eating, binging, lapses and maintenance plans.

  • Weight maintenance phase

The weight maintenance phase is when patients are weight stable and have demonstrated consistent lifestyle changes. Your BMI should be 27 or less or a 10 per cent sustained weight loss. You’ll get 3 - 6 monthly contact with our exercise physiologist and nutritionist to ensure you remain on track.


  • Initial consultation (1 hour): $180
  • Follow up consultations (45 minutes): $140
  • 12 - month plan (12 consultations): $1720 ($180 + 11 x $140)

Please note this is not a bulk billed clinic. Consultation fee does not include the cost of food supplements or blood tests. Please contact your health fund to confirm whether your cover extends to exercise physiology. If you are eligible for a chronic disease management plan through your GP you may claim part of the consultation fee from Medicare ($58.30) for up to 5 visits per year at your GP’s discretion.

Please feel free to ask reception for more information about billing structure.

Find out more


  • Step 1: Meet with your sleep specialist to discuss your health goals. They may have already suggested you start losing weight.
  • Step 2: If it is recommended you start weight loss therapy, contact Woolcock reception. Ask for referral documents and a letter addressed to your GP to discuss your eligibility for a chronic disease management plan and team care arrangement.
  • Step 3: Make an appointment with our qualified exercise physiologist and nutritionist at the Woolcock Clinic.

Book an appointment

For bookings with a Respiratory and Sleep Physician, please click here. For all other appointments, or if the doctor you wish to see is not listed online, please call us on 02 9805 3000. or complete the form below. 

Please arrange for a referral from your doctor. To download a referral form, click here.    

Please note that the Woolcock Clinic is a fee-charging clinic.

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