Professor Nathaniel Marshall is a clinical triallist and epidemiologist specialising in sleep and sleep disorders at the Woolcock Institute for Medical Research and Macquarie University.
He uses a wide variety of epidemiological research methods and designs, including randomised controlled trials and population-based cohorts, including the Busselton Health Study. With his colleagues, he is attempting to measure the impact of disease, the effectiveness of a variety of treatments, and investigate health system activity related to sleep. He provides high-quality evidence-based information of direct and immediate utility to both practicing clinicians and policy-makers.
Professor Marshall has over 15 years' practical experience in designing, running, analysing, reporting and reviewing both pharmacological and non-pharmacological studies in sleep medicine.
He has undergraduate degrees in psychology and accounting and a postgraduate diploma in health sciences from the University of Otago. His PhD in public health focused on clinical trials and related methodology (Massey University in New Zealand).
Professor Marshall is a Deputy Editor of the Journal of Sleep Research, an Associate Editor of the journal SLEEP and serves on the Editorial Boards of the European Respiratory Journal and Sleep Health.