The Woolcock Institute of Medical Research

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The Australian Centre for Airways disease Monitoring — centre of excellence

The Australian Centre for Airways disease Monitoring — centre of excellence

Monday, July 24, 2023

The Australian Centre for Airways disease Monitoring (ACAM) established in 2002 has become a centre of excellence in respiratory data and is run by renowned experts Professors Helen Reddel (Director) and Guy Marks (Senior Epidemiological Advisor) and Leanne Poulos (Project Manager). ACAM is part of the Woolcock’s Respiratory and Environmental Epidemiology Research Group.

ACAM has been instrumental in guiding policy and guideline development in chronic respiratory disease such as asthma and chronic obstructive airways disease (COPD) and provides high-quality data analysis and interpretation for policy, advocacy, practice, and research. ACAM can work with research teams to design customised surveys or survey modules with a targeted respiratory focus.

ACAM has recently integrated its website pages into the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research website to provide a modern interface and a user-friendly experience for researchers, healthcare professionals and individuals interested in respiratory health.

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A comprehensive guide to ACAM's services and research initiatives can now be viewed. Data from several recent, large population-based web surveys can be analysed on demand, with reports which include data and expert commentary. Additional surveys are planned.

There is also an impressive collection of publications that provide valuable insights into the advances made by ACAM in the field of airways disease monitoring with a wealth of knowledge readily available; from academic papers to research papers.

Recognising the significance of past research, there is now a dedicated archive of publications dating back to 2004. 

For further information visit the ACAM website or to discuss a project proposal, contact us on

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